An International Day of Awareness
Due to the many new email requests, we have decided to change the original date of the International Day of Awareness to accomodate all those who still wish to participate in this exceptional and timely project.
The new date is:
Mark this date, for IDA will from hereon take place annually on 11/11.
It will again take place at 12 noon for 15 to 30 minutes. This can still be an opportunity to express your own “I am aware…” statements, and contribute them to a worldwide community.
Be sure to scroll to the bottom to add your personal entry to the Awareness Statements.
On the day of 11/11/2023 at high noon, I am inviting you, as part of the international community, to stop for 15 to 30 minutes and enter into a sacred reflection (contemplation or meditation) on the awesomeness of human existence. This date is for the purpose of getting in touch with what matters the most to you in the form of an “I am aware” statement at this pivotal time on the planet. These statements can pertain to issues that call for very specific actions that can catalyze the important changes that are critically needed at this time on the planet. This call for action can also pertain to various challenges in our personal lives that need to be addressed and not dismissed.
About IDA
IDA offers a timely platform to give voice to our Collective Awareness on serious issues at this pivotal moment in our history. Our shared Awareness opens possibilities that can lead to healing as well as needed change.
What are you aware of?
This is an invitation for the national and international communities to come together to bring their awareness forward through a potential forthcoming E-book. We are living in daunting times! As nations and world citizens, we find ourselves confronted with issues that can have profound consequences, for better or worse, in our lives and the lives of our children. We are also confronted with the best and the worst of human nature as we face and confront these monumental issues.
The world at large appears to be caught between forces of Light and the forces of Darkness, with the forces of darkness appearing to have gotten the upper hand. We find ourselves in the midst of unprecedented negativity, disharmony, hatred, callousness, divisiveness, and extreme violence here in America and across the globe.
What can international citizens do about it? We can Awaken to the Call to express our truth regarding these current and heavy times we are all experiencing. We are reckoning with the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness; both exist and both can and do influence us. It is up to each of us to decide what direction we take. The forces of Darkness beckon us to be lured into our lower nature. It expresses itself
through the perpetuation of separation, and the ruthless quest for money, greed, power, status, and racial discrimination. It leads us into perpetual wars for the sake of ownership and superiority over others. It is the major outlet for criminal activity. It is not concerned with the needs or welfare of others. It is primarily concerned with one’s own narcissistic self-interest. It is the expression of the horrific abuse of humans and animals the world over by heartless people.
The Forces of Light are about our higher nature; our moral integrity and the honoring and respecting of differences between all cultures and races. It cares about the struggles of mankind to heal the threats of disease, hardship, and division through innovative ideas, courage, perseverance, decency, love and compassion. It is a call to the soul’s awareness of the spirit of humanity in its highest expression. It is a call to humanity to remember who we really are as souls on an evolutionary journey.
The direction and choices we make at this time are critical to the future of our Democracy. Today we are observing as never before the willingness to rise to the occasion and meet truth and venture beyond lies. This is a time for humanity to wake up, hear, and respond to the call to give voice and Awareness to the forces of Light.
Can we rise to the occassion? Can we heal what separates us? This is a platform where the collective public has the opportunity to give recognition to their voices as they access and share their individual issues of awareness for all to read.
Take Action
IDA is the collective gathering of Awareness Statements that can catalyze our higher intentions of positive CHANGE for the planet and humanity. Our awareness can make the difference.
Awareness Examples
I am aware that corruption is a factor in and out of politics, and it doesn’t serve humanity’s highest good. -Anonymous
I am aware of an urgent question facing people everywhere: How do we transform and heal people who come predominantly from their lower nature? -TS
I am aware that as a person of color I suffer the indignities of racial discrimination on a daily basis. – JN
I am aware that unless the world-at-large takes dramatic actions, humanity may face the catastrophies of serious global warming. -TS
“With AI we are summoning the Demon.” -Elon Musk
I am aware that a person can turn their attention to their moral intergrity, and a sense of decency, or follow their intention toward self-centered, egotistical interests that are above the interests and needs of the whole. The bottom line: energy follows thought. -TS
I am aware of a call to go deeper in order to hear the sound of our soul. -TS
I’m aware that there are injustices everywhere on earth, and that there is a growing tide of humanity that has awakened and is empowered to rise up and confront these injustices. -TS
I’m aware that if a carbon tax were levied, businesses in general would be incentivized to pollute less. -JN
I am aware that unless American citizens at-large begin to take to the streets in urgent, yet peaceful, protests regarding the needless slaughter of innocent children and adults, the refusal by Congress to ban all assault weapons, except in warfare, will go on indefinitely. -TS
I’m aware that what brings us down can actually lead us into the depths of our being through our ability to let go and surrender. -TS
Awareness Statement of Joaquin Phoenix for animalEquality: “When you witness the horror that really happens behind closed doors and slaughteredhouses to farm animals all over the world, it’s impossible not to be affected by it and to realize that we have to do something drastic to stop it.”
To View Posted Public Awareness Statements click here.
Share your awareness
You count, You matter
To participate is very simple:
Begin jotting down in a small notebook: any I AM AWARE STATEMENTS from a one liner to a brief paragraph. The more the better
Follow your heart, mind and your soul (or all 3) in expressing what you are Aware of.
Your Awareness may come in the form of inspiration or a suggestion based on an issue you care deeply about.
Collect as many as you are inspired to
Select as many as 6 of your favorites and enter in the form to the right
Please remember, the International Day of Awareness is 11/11/2023. Stay Tuned!